@KTzone » 音樂 - 資源超連 » 音樂 - 音樂資源超連 » Miles Davis -「Love Songs 醉情歌」[Flac整軌][FS/WU]爵士小號陰柔之美

2011-6-24 21:05 crazyforyou
Miles Davis -「Love Songs 醉情歌」[Flac整軌][FS/WU]爵士小號陰柔之美



【專輯名稱】Love Songs (+2 Bonus Tracks) 醉情歌(增曲版)
【藝人團體】Miles Davis 邁爾士.戴維斯
【風格類型】爵士樂 / 小號奏演
【格式品質】鏡像/無損編碼/整軌 (Image: flac + cue + log)
【文件大小】399MB + (1%或以上)壓縮文件恢復數據
【檔案空間】Fileserve / Filesonic / Wupload

Miles Davis需要一種心情來聆聽.寂靜或想要沈澱的時候.
尤其適合留著孤獨的自己擁抱這一整個小時的love song.

  一輩子都在以自己的音樂來劃下一頁頁爵士歷史的Miles Davis,儘管一路勇往直前地創下了不少音樂新潮流,但這位爵士巨擘對於抒情作品的演繹仍不改鍾情的態度,不管在他馳騁樂壇的哪一段時期,Miles 都沒有間斷過對抒情樂曲的精心詮釋。本張情歌專輯即精選了Miles最中意的數首抒情佳構,他的小號獨奏洗練,充滿陰柔之美,讓這些作品更加多采豐富、飄逸抒情。

  開場曲「I Fall In Love Too Easily」的結構如古典樂曲般嚴謹,散發出的雍雅氣質;改編自迪士尼卡通影片"白雪公主與七矮人"的「Someday My Prince Will Come」,由最偉大低音薩克斯風大師John Coltrane 在此客串演出;酷派經典名曲「My Funny Valentine」、美國音樂之父蓋西文著名歌劇"乞丐與蕩婦"的「I Love You, Porgy」,在這些慢版樂曲裡皆明顯勾勒出鮮明節奏張力;「Human Nature」一曲是改編自流行天王Michael Jackson的作品;「Time After Time」則是源自Cyndi Lauper 的流行曲。

In keeping with the title, Love Songs captures Miles Davis at his romantic best. These cuts were culled from classic studio dates (and one concert) recorded between 1957 and 1964, and the intimate sound of Davis's trumpet unifies the nine poignant ballads chosen for this loving compilation. Whether leading one of his many quintets or performing in front of a jazz orchestra, Miles was the master of confidential moods. The 15-minute version of "My Funny Valentine" is so hushed and pensive that one almost forgets that it was recorded live at Philharmonic Hall. On "My Ship" and George Gershwin's "I Loves You, Porgy," Miles's musings are surrounded by the luxurious arrangements of Gil Evans. With tasteful accompaniment and wonderful compositions, this Miles Davis collection is straight from the heart.  

Australian Version features Two Bonus Tracks: 'time after Time' and 'human Nature'. A Must for Collectors.

01. I Fall In Love Too Easily
02. I Thought About You       
03. Summer Night
04. My Ship
05. Someday My Prince Will Come
06. Stella By Starlight
07. My Funny Valentine       
08. I loves you, Porgy (" Porgy and Bess")
09. Old Folks       
10. Time After Time
11. Human Nature

※Time After Time

※Someday My Prince Will Come


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2011-6-26 01:56 conny771005

2011-8-15 09:58 l969672798
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